Thursday, December 29, 2011

21)Gintare Varankeviciute: Mulling Over

I started this year on the roof-top of a building that i called home; wearing shoes that definitely did not work well with the multitude of snow (wet and cold) and a bunch of people-family-friends-whom I miss dearly (thank you...). what a grand day it was! we had an inside picnic, great food, tons of laughter and giggles and more of 'happenings' that can only be put under the category named "good for the heart and soul". what a start! a little bit on the wet side, but packed with goodness!

crazy tree in the background =P

I took a GRE test. And I went a tiny bit crazy; plus, I invited a couple of my friends into the lovely craziness =P thank you guys for your love and patience =) I survived the test.

I wrote a 30 and a few more pages final Capstone project for my Bachelors degree in Teaching English as an International Language. I had a blast!

I got a response from my dream university - Notredame - thank you...but no thank you and try again. Jesus...

'My ducks were scattered'

I sold my car - just enough money to get me across the big pond to the United States of America where I would join YWAM Cornerstone as staff. Packed a suitcase that fell apart - thankfully - not at the airport. Repacked and left.


Had some hiccups on the way, but there is always enough water...'Living water' for any amount of hiccups.

Went across the United States- west to east - flying, busing and some more flying. Left behind my second falling apart suitcase and my pajama pants. Haha.

Finally reached the Big Apple - New York. I love my Korean family. I have the best roommate ever! I cannot get enough of rice and kimchi and found my most favorite spot in New York - Tompkins Square Park in East Village. The Subway system is like my second home - exaggeration. Home. Jesus...

 haha =)

My dear friend, Zane shared a quote the other day "It is God to whom and with whom we travel, and while He is at the end of our journey, He is also at every stopping place." Elisabeth Elliot

Immanuel - God IS with us - the name given to Christ as the Deliverer of Judah prophesied by Isaiah. And Joseph named Him Jesus 'God Saves' and is now dwelling in and amongst us...Immanuel in Lithuania. Immanuel in Latvia, Liepaja. Immanuel in Beacon. Immanuel in California. Immanuel in the airport. Immanuel on the bus ride. Immanuel in Haiti. Immanuel in Pune, India. Immanuel in Iowa. Immanuel in Amsterdam. Immanuel in Flushing. Immanuel...Immanuel...Immanuel

Immanuel in the coming year of 2012

Gintare Varankeviciute is a Lithuanian YWAM missionary in NYC.

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